Allowing government agencies to make their data accessible to the public with

- is an open government data platform where public agencies share their data for public use.
Easy data exploration through interactive dashboards and visualisations.
Ability to leverage data and APIs for building new digital services.
Over 350,000 monthly visitors, more than 30,000 data downloads and 13 million API calls made monthly.
Offers over 4,000 datasets from 69+ government agencies.
Data now play an important role in impacting everyday lives as they can enable users to make sound and informed decisions. Recognising this, we set up, a one-stop open data collective where 90-plus government agencies can upload their data in real-time for public consumption.
The datasets range from environment-related types such as the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) and dengue clusters to the registration information of salespersons under the Council for Estate Agencies.
The verified government data on the portal is completely free for use, be it for commercial or personal purposes. Currently, it sees an average of 350,000 monthly visitors, with a total of over 30,000 data downloads and 13 million API calls made.
Why use

How to use
Simply visit the website to start perusing data or sign in as an admin on the login page to manage or publish data.