Creating trusted short links with go.gov.sg

Secure link shortening for public officers (go.gov.sg) and healthcare professionals (for.sg).
Anti-phishing measures ensure trustworthy sources for citizens.
Customisable short links with file-sharing capabilities and click rate analytics.
To date, 12k+ public officers have shortened 74k+ links that have been clicked more than 70 million times.
Go.gov.sg and for.sgare official link shorteners designed to mitigate phishing risks associated with commercial link shorteners. Go.gov.sg serves public officers, while for.sg caters to healthcare professionals from public healthcare institutions.
Go.gov.sg allows any public officer with a government email to create official short links with the gov.sg domain for free and in seconds.
For.sg is part of the healthcare product suite, improving operational efficiency for healthcare institutions. It provides a secure link shortener that members of public can easily recognise, ensuring they are accessing verified healthcare websites.
Both platforms ensure that citizens and patients can trust the authenticity of these shortened links, knowing they come from verified official sources. By providing a secure and efficient way to create and share shortened links, these tools enhance communication while maintaining trust and credibility in government and healthcare communications.
Why use go.gov.sg and for.sg?

These tools allow public officers and healthcare professionals to create trusted short links for official communications. Here's how:
How to use go.gov.sg and for.sg?
Simply sign in with your official email to go.gov.sg for public officers or for.sg for healthcare professionals to start creating short links!
Follow this step-by-step guide:
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